The European Smart Metering Mandate recommends the implementation of smart metering systems for 80% of electricity consumers in Europe by the end of 2020.

On the other hand, Austrian authorities have set much bigger goal and predict that 95% of Austrian electricity consumers will be equipped with smart meters by the end of 2019.

Nearly thousand consumers will receive their smart meter before summer 2013, when Wien Energie rolls out the meters for the first pilot.

Under the pilot project, Kamstrup will provide its new smart metering platform, OMNIA Suite, based on Radio Mesh and GPRS.

The new smart meter can integrate directly with the Meter Data Management System of Wien Energie, EnergyIP, delivered by Siemens.

Kamstrup division director Lars Bo Kristensen said Austria has as one of the first many markets decided to adopt the European regulatory roadmap for full-scale introduction of smart meters and smart metering.

"Being 100% focused on smart metering we wish to support this national roll-out and provide an even closer service to existing and coming customers in Austria and this is best done in Austria," Kristensen added.