The rig will be mobilized to drill the Ayesha-1 and Haleema-1 exploratory wells in the Badin IV South block. Drilling is expected to commence by the end of December 2013.

Jura holds a 27.5% working interest in Badin IV South through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Frontier Holdings.

The Badin IV South block lies in the Lower Indus Basin petroleum fairway and covers an area of 1,265km². It is located in the administrative Districts of Thatta and Badin in the Sindh Province of Pakistan.

The Ayesha-1 well is planned to be drilled to a total depth of 2,400m. The Ayesha-1 prospect is delineated on 3D seismic, with the primary objectives being the Lower Goru A, B and C sands of Cretaceous age.

The Upper Goru sands produce oil, gas and condensate in several existing fields situated in the vicinity of Ayesha-1, which is located 7km from existing pipeline infrastructure. Condensate and oil produced in the area is generally trucked to refineries in Karachi.

The Haleema-1 well is planned to be drilled to a total depth of 1,800m. The well will also target the Lower Goru A, B and C sands to test the hydrocarbon potential of the structure delineated on 3D and 2D seismic. Haleema-1 is located approximately 10 km from existing pipeline infrastructure.