A directive to this effect was received by Kansai Electric Power from the PM of Japan Yoshihiko Noda who wants to avoid electricity shortage in the coming summer months.

Each Oi nuclear plant has a capacity of 1180MW energy and their restarting could bring down 180,000t per month of LNG usage as reported by Reuters.

FACTS Global Energy, oil analyst Alex Yap is reported to have told Reuters that the restarting of nuclear reactors is going to make a huge impact in reducing oil demand which is expected to rise in the next few months when power demand is higher.

While many remain skeptical of the nuclear reactors in the wake of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami damage, Japan has already drawn plans to bring up more reactors in the near future – the two Hokkaido Electric Power Co reactors in Tomari, northernJapan and the No.2 reactor at the Shika station operated by Hokuriku Electric Power Co in western Japan are expected to be restarted soon.

Japan has 50 nuclear reactors that have all gone offline since May of 2011. Cumulatively, nuclear energy alone accounts for a third of the country’s energy needs.