The EtaPRO systems will acquire real-time process data from ten generating units, calculate performance and condition indicators, and automatically generate alerts and reports to provide actionable information to SRP plant operators, engineers, and management.

The fleet-wide EtaPRO solution will be monitored from a central location as well as the individual plants to provide operational benefits. Real-time thermal performance monitoring will identify and quantify capacity and efficiency losses so that plant operating and management staff can take corrective action to improve plant operations and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

GP’s solution includes its real-time VirtualPlant thermodynamic modeling software, which interfaces with the plant’s historian and EtaPRO to provide real-time performance benchmarks for identifying and troubleshooting efficiency and capacity related issues.

In total, the SRP EtaPRO system will monitor 15,000 process and calculated points across six plants with a combined capacity of 5,107MWe. All data, both real-time and historical, will be available to the enterprise for analysis, trending, and reporting.

Richard DesJardins, vice president of GP’s Performance Engineering Services business unit, said: “We are particularly pleased that SRP selected General Physics to support ongoing efforts to improve the availability, capacity, efficiency, and environmental compliance of their power generating facilities.