Now, the final approval of the permit will be decided by the country’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

The project Øyfjellet is located outside Mosjøen in Vefsn municipality in Nordland County.

The permission allows the firm to install turbines, which could be anywhere between 80 and 110 wind turbines.

The wind conditions at the site are considered to be good.

The estimated annual production of a fully built park is expected to be about 1 TWh.

Øyfjellet is the first project Eolus has been granted permit for in Norway since beginning operations in the country in 2012.

Eolus CEO Per Witalisson said "It is very exciting and important for our operations in Norway that we have been granted permit for Øyfjellet. The wind conditions at the site is very good and the project have strong local support."

The project was commenced by local initiatives through ÖVP (Øyfjellet Vindpark AS).

Eolus bought the project through subsidiary Eolus Vind Norge AS in the summer of 2012.

The firm submitted application for the permit to NVE in January 2014.