Energy Optimizers is engaged in promoting efforts to improve energy conservation within Ohio’s 613 school districts to benefit the natural environment by helping reduce energy consumption costs and to provide the school district with an opportunity to strengthen their financial bottom line.

The partnership will allow Energy Optimizers to join this nationwide effort to eliminate energy waste through energy savings projects and energy awareness programs, and voluntary implementation of improved energy management practices and technologies within Ohio’s K-12 school districts.

In addition, having joined the Energy Star program, Energy Optimizers will be required to measure, track, and benchmark the performance of its own energy projects to promote increased energy efficiency in enterprise, government and educational institutions.

Energy Optimizers founder and president Greg Smith said that the company is proud to be working in partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency and US Department of Energy in support of the Energy Star initiative.

“2010 was a year of ‘great awakening’ by Ohio’s school districts to build less costly energy management systems into their facilities as well as encourage sustainable energy projects such as wind and solar,” Smith said.