Capable of producing 9MW of renewable electricity, the €19m Hollyford wind farm will supply energy to homes and businesses across Ireland.

The facility’s three turbines main body stand 75m tall, while the rotor blades have a diameter of 101m.

The site has been selected by the company due to its high average wind speeds, which have been placed in ‘category one’, the highest wind-to-power ratio.

Energia Renewables managing director Peter Baillie said the company will produce sustainable energy in Hollyford and will supply it to businesses around Ireland.

"This wind farm represents another significant investment in renewable capacity by Energia," Baillie added.

"We want to extend a big thank you to the local community for the support it has given this project. The development of Hollyford is a very positive step forward for renewable energy in Ireland and local support for the project is a key element to its success."