Situated in Kiowa and Washita counties, the Little Elk wind farm will produce about 330GWh of power annually.

Being developed with an investment of around $130m, the wind farm is expected to be operational by the end of this year.

The company has already entered into a 25-year power purchase agreement with People’s Electric Cooperative of Oklahoma (PEC) to supply electricity from the project.

Little Elk wind project will provide electricity to around 27,000 households, curbing emissions of 150,000t CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Currently, EGP-NA runs three wind farms in Oklahoma, generating about 534MW. It is building 350MW wind projects in the state, including the 200MW Goodwell wind farm.

With an installed capacity of around 2,000MW, EGP-NA owns and operates 90 facilities in 21 US states and two Canadian provinces.