The company also stated that at full production capacity, it can produce between 700,000 and 750,000 tonnes of ore per annum, which it aims to achieve by fourth quarter of fiscal 2013.

Grade of the ore at the project increased to 3.5 grams tonne gold alongside a recovery rate ranging from 91% to 94%; previously reported ore grade was 2.5 grams.

Crocodile Gold NT operations general manager Peter Crooks said that despite some major infrastructure works such as expanding the underground electrical reticulation system and the ventilation airways network due to be completed, steady state operations can be commenced at the Cosmo mine.

"Four underground diamond drill rigs have been operating since last November in order to expand the resource and reserve base and allow the Company to better plan its future operations," added Crooks.

The company, meanwhile, had commissioned the main surface ventilation system in February 2013 to provide airflow requirements ahead of mine’s full production rate to be achieved over the year.