Convergence Energy developed the 14-acre site, which is the first in Wisconsin to allow qualified individuals to own part of a solar farm.

The Convergence Energy Solar Farm site features 99 dual axis trackers utilizing nearly 2,000 Enphase Microinverters.

Enphase Energy CEO Paul Nahi said the customers are installing Enphase microinverters in applications ranging from rooftops to trackers to carports, and, like Convergence Energy, they are using our technology as a platform to deliver new and innovative solar solutions.

Helios Solar Works provided solar modules for the trackers sourced from OPEL Solar and DEGERenergie.

Enphase’s web-base monitoring and analysis software, Enlighten, enables the Networked Solar concept to operate with multiple systems and investors represented at the site.

Convergence Energy is a US-based full-service integrator of solar energy systems.

Enphase Energy delivers microinverter technology for the solar industry that increases energy production, simplifies design and installation, improves system uptime and reliability, reduces fire safety risk and provides a platform for intelligent energy management.