The A-12 encountered pay zones in both the Oligocene and Eocene reservoirs and analysis of the data indicates both reservoirs are separated from the Songkhla Main reservoir by a 400 foot fault.

The A-12 found 105ft of net pay in the Oligocene with 20% porosity and 43ft of net pay in the Eocene with 19% porosity.

The company expects to have this well completed within the next week.

The A-11 well, which encountered 69ft of net pay in the Eocene reservoir, is currently being flow tested.

The A-11 also encountered 44ft of net pay in the Oligocene reservoir with 18% porosity.

Coastal plans to commingle production from the Oligocene reservoir later this month once the flow test of the Eocene reservoir is completed.

Following the completion of the A-12 well, the company is planning to sidetrack the earlier drilled Songkhla A-07 well targeting the reservoir discovered by the Songkhla A-09 well.