The company had to shut down Line 37 on 22 June 2013 owing to release of light synthetic crude oil from the pipeline due to heavy rains, which triggered ground movement on the right-of-way.

Line 37 pipeline runs between Long Lake and Cheecham, Alberta and Line 19 is stretched between Fort McMurray and Cheecham.

Enbridge closed Line 19 and other pipelines sharing a corridor with Line 37 as a precautionary step.

The company conducted many engineering and geotechnical analysis, as well as excavation and inspection at several points on the pipeline on the northern segment of the Line 19 before putting it back on service.

On 1 July, Line 19 pipeline was started at a reduced pressure.

Enbridge has recovered majority of oil released from Line 37 and based on the amount of oil recovered, the company revised the estimate of the volume of light crude oil spilled to 1,300 barrels.

The company has identified and implemented measures to reduce ground forces on these lines and has plans to continue such work to ensure all pipelines can operate safely.