Aminex said a combination of ocean bottom cable and a marine seismic source would be used in the shallow-water, while a land-based seismic source will be used on the emergent reefs and islands.

The survey will be completed in the next six weeks, following which the seismic data will be processed and interpreted.

Aminex is also planning to gather over 500km of 2D marine seismic in the deep-water portion of the Nyuni Area licence during the second half of 2012.

The two surveys, combined transition zone and deep-water seismic programmes, will fulfill the seismic work required under the initial work period of the Nyuni Area production sharing agreement which extends through October 2013.

The company holds a 70% operated interest in the Nyuni Area with Rak Gas Commission holding a 25% stake and Bounty Oil & Gas holding the remaining 5% stake.