The kimberlite indicator minerals include Cr-rich chromites, Mg-ilmenites, Cr-pyrope garnets and one diamond associated eclogite garnet (DIM).

Such eclogite garnet represents an indicator dispersion train with a potential significant diamondiferous source.

The indicator minerals have been confirmed through an electron microprobe analysis in 34 of the 165 samples processed so far.

The results represent around half of the samples collected during Alto’s program in September 2014.

Alto Ventures said that the samples with kimberlite indicator minerals characterize at least one dispersion train in the east-central part of the property.

The eclogite garnet DIM is down-ice from a high-priority magnetic anomaly identified from a government airborne geophysical survey.

A high-resolution airborne magnetic survey is being carried out by Alto to better define this and other high-priority magnetic anomalies.

Alto CEO and director Rick Mazur said: "A single KIM grain can be relevant but recovery of numerous KIM’s forming a till train including a DIM eclogite garnet suggests that this indicator dispersion train could have a potentially significant diamondiferous source up-ice.

"Alto will assess its further exploration plans for the property once the remainder of the KIM results are received and the airborne magnetic survey results have been interpreted."