US-based BIRNS Inc. has won a contract to supply over 300 emergency lights for the Almaraz nuclear power plant in Spain.

The wall-mounted LED lights are able to deliver 24-40 hours of high-intensity emergency illumination in the event of a station blackout or loss of AC power (10CFR50.63). They are "precision engineered" for use inside primary nuclear containment, BIRNS said.

The units are also seismically qualified (IEEE-344), capable of withstanding a major earthquake, and feature integral sealed rechargeable batteries. The housing is made of stainless steel and resistant to humidity, acids and other corrosives.

The lights are deisgned in accordance UL 924, ‘Emergency Lighting Equipment’ and NFPA 70, ‘National Electrical Code,’ and help to comply with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s post-Fukushima requirements.

The Almaraz nuclear power plant comprises two pressurized water reactors, with capacities of 1049 and 1044 MWe. The station is operated by Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo (CNAT) and is owned by Iberdrola (53%), Endesa (36%) and Union Fenosa (11%).


Photo: BIRNS Emergency Lighting Fixture-LEDs