
The link boosts the availability of renewable hydroelectric and wind power in the region’s electricity grid.

It uses voltage source converters (VSC), which depend on semiconductors to convert electricity from high-voltage alternating current to direct current and back.

The link strengthens the grid owned by Norwegian transmission system operator Statnett and Denmark’s

Loads between Norway’s hydroelectric-based system and Denmark’s wind- and thermal-based generation will be balanced.

ABB has worked on all four of the Skagerrak system’s links, with the first two links delivered in the 1970s and the third in 1993.

The 240km system crosses the North Sea’s Skagerrak Strait, delivering 1.7GW of transmission capacity.

The fourth new link operates in bipolar mode with the Skagerrak 3 link that utilizes classic line commutated converter HVDC technology.

ABB Power Systems division head Claudio Facchin said: "ABB pioneered the HVDC technology and continues innovating as it is uniquely positioned in the industry with in-house manufacturing for all key HVDC components, including power semiconductors, converters, converter transformers and high-voltage cables."

Image: ABB has delivered all four of the Skagerrak system’s HVDC links. Photo: Courtesy of dan/