Upon receipt of the notification the Company applied for and was granted a trading halt by the ASX to assist in managing its continuous disclosure obligations.

This positive DIA means the Company has now received the key environmental permitrequired to move its Muga Project forward.

The Company will now focus on securing the Mining Concession and the construction permits necessary to take the Project into construction. It will also commit to the purchase of certain long lead time mining and process plant equipment, as well as completion of the final project design.

The Company is in a strong position to move into this next stage of project development having recently released a new Mineral Resource Statement (refer ASX release 10 October 2018, “Updated Mineral Resource Estimate – Muga Project”) , a new Ore Reserve Statement (refer ASX release 22 January 2019, “Updated Ore Reserve Estimate – Muga Project”), a Muga Project Update (refer ASX release 15 October 2018, “Muga Project Update”), and a refreshed MOU with the large Spanish construction contractor Acciona, for construction of the Muga Mine.

As  is  standard  practice  in  these  types  of  environmental  approvals, the  DIA  containssome  conditions related o  minimizing environmental  impacts.    The  company is  pleased  to  advise  that  upon  its  initial preliminary review of the documentation, there appear to be no additional requirements that the Company was not already aware of and had not already incorporated into its Project planning accordingly.

HighfieldResources CEO Peter Albert said: “The awarding of the DIA is the most significant step for Highfield  in  de-risking  the  Muga  Project.  In  partnership  with  all  of  our  stakeholders  we  look  forward  to delivering on our Vision “To Build a successful, sustainable, potash business with respect for stakeholders and  the  environment”.

The  Muga  Project  has  the  potential  to  deliver  tremendous  benefits  to  all  of  our stakeholders  and  the  Highfield  team  is  excited  to  now  be  able  to move  towards mine  construction.  On behalf  of  the  Highfield  Board, I would  like  to  thank  all  of  our  shareholders  for  their  continued support. I would also like to thank all of our staff, the local, regional and national governments, and our advisers for all of their tireless work in reaching this significant development”.

Source: Company Press Release.