The well has been drilled about 20 kilometres north of the Snøhvit field and about 155 kilometres northwest of Hammerfest.
The primary exploration target for the well was to examine reservoir properties and prove petroleum in reservoir rocks from the Early Cretaceous Age (the Kolmule and Knurr formation).
The secondary exploration target was to examine the reservoir potential and properties of reservoir rocks from the Middle Jurassic Age (the Stø formation).
Well 7121/1-2 S encountered the Kolmule formation at about 120 metres, with aquiferous sandstone layers totalling 45 metres, mainly with moderate reservoir quality. The Knurr formation of about 320 metres has sandstone layers totalling about 130 metres with traces of oil, but with poor reservoir quality.
In the Stø formation, the well encountered a sandstone layer of 20 metres with poor reservoir quality. The well is classified as dry.
Extensive data acquisition and sampling have been carried out.
This is the first exploration well in production licence 767. The licence was awarded in APA 2013.
The well was drilled to vertical and measured depths of the 3335 metres and 3350 metres below the sea surface, and was terminated in the Stø formation from the Middle Jurassic Age.
Water depth at the site is 315 metres. The well will now be permanently plugged and abandoned.
Well 7121/1-2 S was drilled by the Leiv Eiriksson drilling facility, which will now drill wildcat well 16/1-31 S in production licence 338 in the central part of the North Sea, where Lundin Norway AS is the operator.
Source: Company Press Release