Hydro One, a Canada-based electricity transmission and distribution company, has announced its plans to develop and construct a new 230kV transmission line from Chatham to Leamington.

The transmission line is expected to support the expansion of greenhouse industry in Ontario and Hydro One has taken up the new transmission line project upon the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)’s request.

Hydro One’s new line to bring additional 400MW of power to the area

Hydro One is expected to work on the development portion of the project which includes a preliminary engineering design, an estimated cost, public and Indigenous consultation and the environmental assessment.

The new transmission line from Chatham to Leamington is expected to be completed by the end of 2025, bringing an additional 400MW of power to the area.

Hydro One president and chief executive officer Mark Poweska said: “A safe, strong and reliable transmission system will support economic growth, jobs and a fast-growing industry heavily dependent on electricity.

“We have been listening to our customers and working with our industry partners to support the thriving greenhouse industry and Leamington’s growing economy. This substantial investment to increase the availability of power will allow for more than 40 medium-sized greenhouses to start-up and grow.”

in addition to the new transmission line, Hydro One has already committed for a multi-stage investment designed to add 600MW to the Leamington area to aid the rapid growth of the greenhouse industry.

The company has approved approximately £152m to be invested in the area through the construction of a new transmission station which was recently completed, a second station which is under construction and a third in the planning stages.

Hydro One’s new transmission line work is expected to increase the amount of available power in the region by 1,000MW, which is adequate to power a city in the size of Ottawa.