Hydrogen Renewables Australia (HRA) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have collaborated on the 5GW Murchison Renewable Hydrogen Project in Western Australia.

The Murchison Renewable Hydrogen Project, located near Kalbarri in the mid-west of Western Australia, is said to be a large scale, export oriented green hydrogen project.

Situated on the 126,000ha Murchison House Station, the project will be powered by both wind and solar with a small desalination and electrolyser plant, producing green hydrogen for export.

HRA said that the project aims large scale green hydrogen exports to the Asian markets – notably Japan and Korea.

CIP partner Michael Hannibal said: “CIP is pleased to be joining forces with Hydrogen Renewables Australia to develop the Murchison Renewable Project.

“A project that aims at exporting green hydrogen produced from solar PV and onshore wind to Asian energy importing countries.

“We believe Murchison represents the best combined wind and solar resource in Australia and the project complements our existing activities in Australia.”

The project is expected to utilise Western Australia’s abundant wind and solar resources to create a sustainable green export hydrogen energy.

HRA said that Murchison Renewable Hydrogen Project is also exploring options to blend hydrogen into the nearby Dampier to Bunbury pipeline.

In October last year, Siemens has agreed to become the technology partner fo the renewable hydrogen project.

The facility is planned to be developed in phases starting with a demonstration phase which will generate hydrogen for transport fuels.