Vestas said that the the Saunamaa and Suolakangas wind projects represents the VALOREM’s first projects in Finland.
To maximize power production and cater for local tip height requirements, the Saunamaa project is anticipated to feature a customized Vestas solution, including eight V150-4.2 MW wind turbines with a 135m hub height specifically developed for the site.
The Suolakangas project includes nine V150-4.2 MW turbines, and features Vestas’ standard towers with a 155m high hub.
Vestas said that both the sites are located in Finland and are subjected to cold climatic conditions where its Anti-Icing-System effectively manages formation of ice on blades during operation to maximize energy production.
The Vestas solution is expected to target the icing only where and when it is needed to minimize the system’s power consumption and the effective climatic operating range.
VALOREM founder and president Jean-Yves Grandidier said: “We are very pleased to initiate the construction of our first Finnish wind farms. These two projects mark the beginning of a successful platform for VALOREM in the Nordics with a portfolio of more than 700 MW of assets under development with developer Megatuuli.
“We are happy to have found in our partnership with Vestas the right technology, especially through anti-icing, to get the most of the assets.”
Under the order, the company will supply and commission the wind turbines and provides a full-scope service agreement (AOM 5000) for a span of 25 years.
Vestas is expected to start the delivery of the order in the second quarter of 2020, and is expected to start the commissioning in the third quarter of 2020.
Vestas Northern & Central Europe North & West sales vice president Christer Baden Hansen said: “This order, from our valued, long-term partner VALOREM, once again underlines our ability to deliver profitable, customized wind energy solutions under merchant market conditions, offering the lowest cost of energy to the Finnish market. We thank VALROEM for choosing Vestas as partner for their market entry to Finland and look forward to maximizing our customer’s return on investment.”