Located within the Bonaparte Basin, approximately 300km north of Darwin, the Barossa project includes permanently moored floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility, subsea production system, supporting in-field subsea infrastructure in the Barossa field and a subsea gas export pipeline.

Under the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract, TFMC will provide Subsea Production System (SPS) and associated SPS installation support for the Barossa offshore project.

The firm will be responsible for the engineering, design and fabrication of wellheads, manifolds and control system as well as installation and commissioning assistance.

Santos managing director and CEO Kevin Gallagher said: “This is the first EPC contract to be awarded for Barossa and a big vote of confidence in its position as the leading project to backfill DLNG.

“We’re making good progress in the front-end engineering and design (FEED) phase including the evaluation of bids for the gas export pipeline.

“We are also looking at technical proposals for the floating production storage and offloading facility from both MODEC and the Technip/Samsung Heavy Industries consortium.”

The Barossa project, which is currently in the front-end engineering design (FEED) phase, will provide new source of gas to the existing Darwin LNG facility following completion of the current offshore gas supply from Bayu-Undan expected in 2022.

ConocoPhillips Australia West President Chris Wilson said: “This award represents a significant milestone in the Barossa Project. The SPS facilities include critical, long lead time equipment which is required to be ordered prior to a final investment decision in order to meet the project schedule.”

ConocoPhillips said that the Barossa project would meet future global demand for natural gas as well as contribute significant income, employment and other benefits to the Northern Territory and Australia through continued operation of the Darwin LNG facility.

Barossa development project is operated by ConocoPhillips Australia Barossa with 37.5% interest other partners include Santos Offshore with 25% stake and SK E&S Australia holding 37.5% interest.

Planned to commence production in 2023, the Barossa field is expected have approximately 3.7 million tons per annum of liquefied natural gas and 1.5 million barrels per year of gas.

The Barossa offshore development area surrounds potential future phased development in the Caldita Field to the south in retention lease NT/RL6 and petroleum retention lease NT/RL5.