Norwegian oil exploration and development company Aker BP has issued a Letter of Intent to completions service company Tendeka to supply sand-face completion equipment to the Norwegian assets.

Subject to signing a contract, Tendeka will be responsible for providing sand screens and FloSure autonomous inflow control devices (AICDs) to Aker BP’s offshore fields over the next three years.

The fully interchangeable, field-adjustable, sand screens and inflow control solutions will allow Aker BP to increase production at the offshore fields.

Tendeka Scandinavia area manager Karianne Amundsen said: “Our fully interchangeable, field-adjustable, sand and inflow control solution is engineered for a wide range of applications and fits the different requirements Aker BP have across their assets.

“Aker BP has been a great partner to collaborate with in the past and we look forward to working closely with the team over the coming years to enhance production across these key Norwegian fields.”

Aker BP recently secured approval for Skogul field start-up

Aker BP is currently serving as operator for the Valhall, Ula, Ivar Aasen, Alvheim and Skarv field hubs.

Recently, Aker BP has secured consent from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) to commence production from the Skogul field in the North Sea, 30km northeast of the Alvheim field.

Tendeka CEO Brad Baker said: “This specific technology is  recognised for delivering marked production enhancement around the globe on key iconic fields and several recent significant industry awards reinforces our reputation as the world leader in inflow control technology and sand management.”

In 2019, Tendeka was awarded the sand and inflow control contract by Equinor for its Troll field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Under the four-year exclusive contract, Tendeka is entailed to deliver and install up to 100,000m annually of sand screens and FloSure AICDs for sand-face completion.

Tendeka said it has deployed more than 7,000 passive ICDs and more than 42,000 AICDs across the globe till date.