Fracht Group, founded in 1955, operates 107 offices worldwide in 40 countries including Argentina.

This partnership allows Shale Support the ability to supply the Vaca Muerta Shale in Argentina with the high-quality, frac sand produced by Shale Support under the brand Delta Pearl™. The first shipment left the port of New Orleans on February 18 and is expected to arrive in country on March 10 for further transfer to Shale Support and the Fracht Group’s co-managed distribution warehouse in Vaca Muerta.

“Shale Support is thrilled to partner with Fracht Group, a renowned industry leader in logistics,” said Kevin Bowen, Co-Founder and CEO. “Fracht Group’s current worldwide footprint along with long-standing experience in exporting, makes the organization an ideal partner for Shale Support. With Fracht Group’s current shipping business into South America and Shale Support’s geographic proximity to the Gulf Coast, we are able to provide quality proppant to Argentina without the traditional operational challenges of supply and logistics.”

“The port of Bahia Blanca is a natural fit for us, since we are currently moving heavy oil field equipment for customers through the port and into Vaca Muerta,” says Reiner Wiederkehr, CEO Fracht USA.  “Adding consumables like sand and chemicals with Shale Support is a natural extension of that business for us. A long-term key to the development of the Vaca Muerta shale play is to help the operators bring down their consumables cost and that requires a transition to handling these products in bulk, and Shale Support has a successful track record in building and running those types of facilities. Shale Support’s Southton Rail Yard Transload facility is a great example of what can develop in Vaca Muerta.”

This ongoing partnership will allow Shale Support and the Fracht Group to remain committed to the development of the Vaca Muerta Shale and will help to provide a long- term investment for the region.

Source: Company Press Release.