The objective is to initiate large-scale manufacturing of the SaltX NCS material as SaltX is entering the commercialization phase of EnerStore.

While Nordkalk becomes SaltX preferred European manufacturer of SaltX patented Nano Coated Salt (NCS) – consisting mainly of calcium oxide – WACKER delivers the silica-based coating material in the NCS. The initial target capacity in full-scale production will be 10,000 tons of NCS, which is equivalent to 4,000MWh of thermal energy storage.

SaltX Technology CEO Karl Bohman said: “With the partnership with Nordkalk and WACKER, SaltX gets the best of two worlds: Both companies have the required technical know-how, production capabilities and financial resources to manufacture and supply the NCS at the right quality and in the quantities we need to meet the projected global demand of our NCS in the coming years.”

Over the last six months, SaltX conducted and completed comprehensive technical feasibility studies together with both Nordkalk and WACKER. While WACKER has supplied the silica-based coating materials, Nordkalk has started pilot production and already produced several tons of the SaltX NCS based on SaltX recipe and specifications.

WACKER Pyrogenic Silica Director Business Team Maria-Anna Biebl said: “We are proud to support SaltX for this interesting and important application. We will further contribute to SaltX success, and their market goals.”

WACKER supplies the silica-based coating materials for the 25 tons of SaltX NCS, which Nordkalk is now producing for the Vattenfall project to be delivered within the next month.

Nordkalk chief commercial officer Thomas Eriksson said: “Energy storage is an interesting market and SaltX is an interesting company. We are ready to support SaltX and ramp up the production to meet the growing demand for this material.”

The objective of the Letter of Intent with Nordkalk is to enter into aSupply & Licensing Agreement before the end of the year.

Source: Company Press Release