Italian company Prysmian Group has secured a contract from the German grid operator, Amprion for the supply and installation of cable system for the A-Nord power cable link in Germany.

Under the contract worth more than €500m ($541.1m), Prysmian will be responsible for the design, manufacture, supply, lay, joint, test and commission a 1GW underground cable system along the Northern route of the German Corridor.

With a total length of around 300km, the route runs from Emden in Lower Saxony to Osterath in Nordrhein-Westfalen.

The A-Nord underground cable connection is part of the 2GW German Corridor “A” electricity transmission project.

Prysmian will provide related accessories and integrated PRY-CAM monitoring system

Prysmian Group CEO Valerio Battista said: “This award, almost coinciding with the recent SuedOstLink project award, also in Germany, recognises yet again our commitment in the development and upgrading of power grids to support the energy transition.

“It is a source of great satisfaction to see that our undeniable know-how, project execution and innovation capabilities are gaining fully acknowledgment.”

The firm will be responsible for the delivery of fully qualified ±525 kV high voltage DC cable system that includes copper cables, insulated with their own proprietary P-Laser technology, complete with a separate insulated metallic return cable.

It will also provide all related accessories and integrated PRY-CAM monitoring system for the project.

Prysmian Group Projects BU executive vice president Hakan Ozmen said: “We are delighted to be working with Amprion on this project: the A-Nord project will be one of the main arteries of the German transmission grid, connecting the key generation sites in Northern regions, characterised by many onshore and offshore wind energy sources, to southern regions, especially in west Germany, where more conventional power plant capacities are located.”

Construction on the HVDC system is expected to begin within 2023.

Recently, Dutch-German grid operator TenneT TSO has selected Prysmian Group to supply and install cabling for the SuedOstLink cable corridor project in Germany.