“DGC has been excited to work with Peak and has a high expectation with Peak’s software and overall capabilities.” said Yuichiro Matsui, Assistant Director, Diamond Generating Corporation. “We were looking for the best solution to maximize the value of our energy storage asset in California.”

Peak, using it’s AI-powered SynergyTM platform, will optimize the operation of the energy storage system for both front-of-the-meter and behind-the-meter value streams.  In addition to increasing resiliency and reducing greenhouse gas, the system will provide relief to the CA electricity grid. The project is expected to reach commercial operation in 2019. This represents Peak’s 4th ISO region in the past 6 months demonstrating the adaptability of the SynergyTM platform across jurisdictions.

“Peak Power is excited to work with DGC to enter the California market which is a leader in North American energy storage market”, said Peak Power CEO, Derek Lim Soo.  “California’s leadership in energy storage policy and aggressive renewables targets make is a natural fit for market expansion for our company.”

Source: Company Press Release.