The consortium of Ørsted, Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy has entered into an option agreement with Crown Estate Scotland (CES) for developing a floating offshore wind site with up to 1GW capacity, off the north-east coast of Scotland.

The consortium secured the site through the ScotWind offshore wind leasing round.

This floating offshore wind farm, called as Stromar, is located off Caithness, around 50km east of Wick.

Ørsted UK head Duncan Clark said: “Our existing offshore wind farms have transformed the areas where we operate – strengthening local supply chains and providing people with new jobs and skills that really make an impact on people’s lives.

“We now look forward to bringing our expertise to floating wind for the first time and bringing those same benefits to Scotland while also providing the clean energy which will be crucial to a net zero future.”

For this project, the expertise of each of the consortium partners will be combined. Ørsted has expertise in developing offshore wind projects, BlueFloat Energy has experience in developing floating wind projects and Falck Renewables comes with experience in community engagement in Scotland.

Works have commenced with the community ownership experts Energy4All on a new framework to allow the communities to share the financial benefits of the wind power projects.

As part of the preparatory work for the delivery of the projects, study will be carried out in association with the Scottish Association for Marine Science on analysing the potential impacts of floating offshore wind developments on the marine environment in association.