The pipeline links to Air Products’ existing hydrogen pipeline system, creating a more than 150-mile continuous pipeline network with what will be 15 hydrogen production source points. Mustang provided project management, engineering, design, right-of-way services, mapping, drafting, surveying, environmental permitting, and inspection for the project.

The success of this pipeline project can be attributed to the team members who understood the importance of this project to Air Products. The entire team remained focused on the need to work closely with all stakeholders including property owners and permitting agencies. Overall, the entire project execution went smoothly through all phases of the project, LeRoy H. Remp, lead project engineer at Air Products.

Mustang President Steve Knowles commented, We are pleased to have been an integral part of this unusual and challenging project. It was the first pipeline to cross Lake Pontchartrain since Hurricane Katrina, and by using an existing pipeline corridor, our project team was able to reduce the potential environmental impact.