Under the terms of the application, Williams will provide 250,000 dekatherms per day of incremental, year-round firm natural gas transportation capacity.

The Transco pipeline is a 10,000-mile pipeline system which transports natural gas to markets throughout the northeastern and southeastern US.

Currently, the system capacity of the pipeline is about 9.6 million dekatherms per day.

The Northeast supply link project is designed to expand certain segments of the existing Transco pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

The expansion project, which is expected to cost about $341m, will consist of about 12 miles of new pipeline at various locations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

It also includes a new 25,000 horsepower compressor facility in Essex County, New Jersey along with other facility modifications.

The new pipe will be installed either entirely within or parallel to existing pipeline and utility rights-of-way.

All other compression-related activities will be performed entirely within existing compressor station facilities.

If approved, compressor station construction would begin in November 2012 with pipeline construction following in 2013.