This new agreement follows the original term sheet between the companies called for W2 Energy to buy 80% of Free Drive.

W2 Energy said it will soon be shipping two Solar Bugs and all of the associated parts from Free Drive’s former headquarters in Montana,US to the W2 Energy factory in Guelph, Canada.

As currently manufactured, the Solar Bug is a low speed solar electric vehicle ideal for use as a fleet service or commuter vehicle.

W2 Energy will be modifying the Solar Bug for use as a full speed and full range vehicle, using the coal water slurry W2 Energy has been developing over the last few months as its fuel source.

In this full speed version of the Solar Bug, a small NT Plasmatron will convert the coal water slurry into syngas, which will power a SteamRay driving an electric motor, thereby creating a full size vehicle which will run on inexpensive North American coal rather than expensive refined petroleum products, the company said.