Barta North-1 was drilled to a total depth of 2,090m with five and a half inch production casing run.

Oil shows were observed while drilling in the target Murta Formation with wire line log interpretation indicating 2m to 5m of probable oil pay, and a moderate oil show was observed over 6m within Birkhead sandstones.

Barta North-1 is 4km to the south west of the Cuisinier-1 well in Murta Oil Field, and Victoria Petroleum participated in the drilling of Barta North-1 at no cost for its 15% working interest in the well.

The drilling rig will now move to the Cuisinier-2 location, an appraisal well for the Cuisinier Oil Field.

Determination of the extent and commercial nature of the interpreted Murta Formation oil zone and Birkhead oil shows is anticipated by the operator to be carried out by cased hole tests in the first quarter 2011.