As a part of the deal, Utiligroup will provide GnERGY with its ‘Supplier in a Box’ solution to enter the UK energy market.

The ‘Supplier in a Box’ will help GnERGY take minimal time to become operational in the market, as Bglobal offers the company a wide range of logistical and technical support through Utiligroup.

The support will also includes access to Utiligroup’s full range of energy software, implementation services and consultancy from the ‘Client Solutions’ team, operational managed services and a license through the pre-accredited supply company Lumen Energy Supply.

GnERGY’s Tikendra Dewan said the company selected Utiligroup to become operational in the market quickly and also use its software and services to meet the needs of the customer base.

"As such, we required a partner that understands our unique needs and has the skills and experience to help us achieve our goals," Dewan added.

Bglobal CEO Tim Jackson-Smith the company has supported GnERGY’s entry into the utilities sector.

"They have a unique, community-focused business model and we are pleased to help them achieve their objectives in the coming years," Jackson-Smith added.

"GnERGY has become the 7th new entrant to implement our ‘Supplier in a Box’™ solution, and we continue to see enduring interest in the proposition from parties interested in becoming domestic or SME energy suppliers."