The license was earlier rejected on 30 August 2012 on the grounds that the proposal violates the country’s Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits foreign "ownership, control or domination" of a US nuclear reactor.

UniStar Nuclear is wholly-owned by Electricite de France, which in turn is 85% owned by the French government.

In addition, the Calvert Cliffs-3 nuclear reactor was to be manufactured by the France-based firm Areva which is also 85% owned by the French government.

The Calvert Cliffs nuclear plant is located on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay near Lusby, in Calvert County, Maryland.

Nuclear Information and Resource Service executive director Michael Mariotte the commissioners of NRC followed the Atomic Energy Act and rejected the license to build nuclear reactors under foreign ownership.

"Last week, the Maryland legislature approved Governor O’Malley’s bill to jumpstart offshore wind power in the state," Mariotte added.

"With this decision, Maryland’s future is clear: it will be based on clean renewable power, not dirty, dangerous and expensive nuclear reactors."

NRC decision coincides with the second anniversary of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan.