
It is part of the Air Quality Grant Programme, which is open to local authorities throughout England supporting projects established to tackle nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and mitigate emissions from road transport.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said the grant will help increase awareness of the ongoing work between the UK government, local authorities and the European Commission to further enhance air quality.

UK Environment Minister Dan Rogerson said air quality has improved significantly in recent decades with local authorities playing an important role and the latest funding will allow them to continue their good work.

"Last year’s grant prompted a fantastic response and I look forward to seeing a similar variety of projects which will improve air quality for all of us," Rogerson added.

The grant follows the publication of the latest air quality projections throughout 43 zones in the UK for meeting European limits for NO2.

The UK government is presently updating air quality plans and it will continue to work with the European Commission and local authorities to consider additional measures.

Image: The grant will support projects established to tackle nitrogen dioxide levels and mitigate emissions from road transport. Photo: Courtesy of the Department of Energy and Climate Change.