The extension of the threshold means rooftop solar panel installations up to 1MW will not have to go through planning permission, as long as certain requirements are fulfilled.

This will allow factories, farms, hospitals, bus stations and other commercial buildings to generate their own sustainable electricity while cutting down costs and resources.

Solar Trade Association, which represents the country’s solar thermal and power companies, said it has previously suggested an increase in the permitted development threshold to see more solar panel installations on roofs.

STA business analyst David Pickup said: "Getting planning permission is an extra hoop to jump through, and we are delighted that this is one more barrier to getting solar on roofs that has been removed."

Renewable Energy Association CEO Nina Skorupska said: "Solar installed on commercial buildings has the potential to generate significant amounts of clean electricity, yet it is a considerably underdeveloped area, and the rigidity of the planning system has long been a major barrier to its progress.

"Increasing the threshold before a full planning application is required for a solar installation is a simple but effective step which will lift the shackles from the sector, and will help developers avoid uncertainty in terms of degression of feed-in tariff rates."