The Peterhead Project in Aberdeenshire that captures 90% of the carbon dioxide from part of the existing gas fired power station at Peterhead and the White Rose Project in Yorkshire that capturing 90% of the carbon dioxide from a new super-efficient coal-fired power station at the Drax site are the two selected bidders.

Department of Energy & Climate Change Secretary Edward Davey remarked that the selection is an important step forward in the realization of the CCS industry in the country.

"These two are major infrastructure projects potentially worth several billion pounds and could support thousands of construction jobs over the next few years," added Davey.

UK Energy Minister John Hayes noted, "We are working quickly to our goal of a cost competitive CCS industry – and these projects are just the start. I am also very pleased that these two projects offer us the opportunity to ensure that both gas and coal generation have a hugely reduced impact on our carbon emissions."

The final investment decision on the construction of up to two projects will be taken by the government in early 2015.