The smart energy innovation programme is part of BEIS’ wider energy innovation scheme. This aims to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions and the cost of decarbonisation by accelerating the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies and processes into the mid-2020s.

The smart energy innovation programme will provide support for pioneering energy storage, demand-side response and other smart technologies over the next five years. Mott MacDonald will offer technical advisory, assessment and verification services. The consultancy will also assist in the technical development and management of the programme, including a use case tool for assessing energy storage costs. Support during bid appraisal, detailed project contract negotiations and delivery stages of the programme will also be provided.

Dr Adina Popa, Mott MacDonald’s project director, said: “This appointment capitalises on our long track-record in assisting the UK Government with the implementation of energy sector innovation competitions, as well as our experience in a wide range of energy storage and smart energy system technologies.”

“Building on our technical skills, this programme provides us with an opportunity to engage with organisations at the forefront of this market at an early stage as we grow our offering in energy innovation sector,” Adina added.