The Wygen III power plant is expected to generate 110MW of power, whereas Dry Fork is expected to generate 385MW. Both the plants are equipped with air quality control systems, including nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, ash removal and mercury removal. The air quality control system at WyGen III plant would cost $255m and at the Dry Fork plant is expected to cost around $300m. But both the plants would not have carbon capture technologies.

Jason Katchum, director of investor relations and corporate communication with Black Hills, said: “There’s a lot of industrial publications right now saying that it’s becoming more difficult to permit and build a coal-fired power plant. But it probably will change how people are thinking about their fuel mix and generation portfolio. That’s probably more an issue of getting into the design of it, just fuel selection overall.”

The construction of the Wygen III power project was commenced in March 2008, and till now 60% of the project has been completed. The construction of the Dry Fork power project was commenced in October 2007, and till now 50% of the project has been completed.