Thorium Power joined a delegation of developers and providers of nuclear fuels and nuclear power plants. The delegation, which included Westinghouse Electric Company and the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Company, had been invited to tour the Polish nuclear institute at Swierk and hold meetings with senior government officials.

The meetings focused on how cutting edge nuclear technologies can address several of Poland’s critical needs, including power generation and the liquefaction and gasification of stony coal.

Poland is well poised to become a center for new nuclear technologies, stated Thorium Power president and CEO Seth Grae. Our discussions with senior officials of the government have convinced me that Poland has a well thought out vision of how to address its energy future.

Thorium Power and the other members of the delegation are now in follow-up discussions with the Polish government relating to possible joint venture partnerships.

In other news, Novastar Resources confirmed that its merger with Thorium Power, which was announced in February, should be completed early in Q4 2006. Under the merger agreement, Thorium Power will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Novastar Resources, and the combined company will operate under the name Thorium Power, Ltd.