As ever-increasing demand for clean energy leads to widespread use of gas turbine power generation in industrial and commercial power plants, many such facilities now require reliable centrifugal compression to boost fuel gas from the low pressure delivered in the pipeline to the higher pressures used by the turbine. Sundyne integrally geared compressors in the 20 to 7,500kW range offer the optimal solution for aero-derivative, industrial and frame type gas turbines rated from 20MW to more than 500MW output.

Based on 50 years of compressor development experience, Sundyne fit-for-purpose skid-packaged fuel gas boost compressors handle this service with efficiency and reliability, ensuring a steady supply of fuel gas at the precise pressures needed for optimal turbine operation. Additionally, Sundyne compressors offer a smaller footprint than competing reciprocating and screw technologies, providing oil-free operation and a smooth, centrifugal flow that eliminates pulsations, offering a high-performance choice for power industry professionals.

"Our team engineered this product from the skid up as a complete, single solution for fuel gas boosting service," explains Sundyne Compressor Product Line Manager Jean-Baptiste Aladame. "Third party packagers are not required, meaning there can be no inefficiencies or surprises through the entire project life-cycle from design and manufacturing to installation and commissioning."