The company brought the plant to production at the end of July and during the beginning of August and is expecting full production from the LNG plant soon.

The Melkøya LNG facility cools large amounts of natural gas sent via 160km long submarine gas pipeline with diameter of 680mm which is fed from the Snøhvit gas field.

Snøhvit, a natural gas field also called as the Barents Sea, located 140km norwest of Hammerfest, is operated by Statoil on behalf of six companies Petoro, Total, GDF Suez, Hess, RWE Dea, and Statoil who own licenses in the field.

The compnay’s share of production from Snøhvit gas field is around 50,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day.

Statoil is a Norwegian oil and gas company.