By incorporating its proprietary and patent-pending fluid separation process into its product line, Springboard Biodiesel will now offer two new products that will enable the separation of biodiesel from other fluids.

— The ‘INCOSEP’ which enables rapid settling of bulk glycerin from raw biodiesel

— The ‘INCOSEP-Pro’ which both rapidly settles bulk glycerin and rapidly separates wash water from biodiesel while preventing emulsions.

We are tremendously excited, said Mark Roberts, Springboard’s chief executive officer. We have taken our industry-leading BioPro biodiesel processor line, and made it even more compelling. By doubling the production capacity while maintaining the ASTM quality of the finished fuel, we are able to both expand our target market and add more value to our traditional small-scale customers. Importantly, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that our technology is backwards compatible, so that every Springboard Biodiesel customer who wants to will be able to upgrade.

Mr. Roberts concluded, By maintaining our commitment to providing ASTM-spec processes and enhancing the production experience, Springboard Biodiesel is continuing its efforts to support the overall biodiesel industry with the most innovative and advanced family of small-scale processing solutions.