The amendment is in line with the company’s plan to operate the unit’s steam generators at 70% power as a conservative safety measure.

SCE will request a meeting with the NRC to discuss the possible amendment.

The company will like to restart Unit 2 by the summer to meet peak customer demand for electricity.

The San Onofre nuclear plant is the largest source of baseload generation and voltage support in the region.

SCE has already submitted a detailed operational assessment requested by the NRC that supports safe operation of Unit 2 at 100% power for 11 months.

SCE president Ron Litzinger said that the company will do every responsible thing to get Unit 2 up and running safely before the summer.

"While the NRC continues to review the technical materials we’ve submitted, we’re considering a request for a license amendment so that we can pursue the best path to safe restart while avoiding unnecessary delays," Litzinger added.