With this discovery, the company confirms that conductor 6 has massive sulphide deposits and it extends 100 meters to the south of Bollinger zone.

The substantial zone intersected by hole SFRD026 includes 79 meters of sulphide from 312 meters, 10.5 meters of stringer sulphide from 391.5 meters, 32.4 meters of mainly massive sulphide from 402 meters and 2.6 meters stringer sulphide from 434.4 meters.

Meanwhile, the other hole SFRD0259 intersected 50 meters of blebby and disseminated sulphide from 400 meters as well as 14 meters of massive and breccias sulphide from 450 meters.

The company, however, added, "The massive sulphides are similar to those seen at Nova, with coarse grained pentlandite (nickel sulphide) and chalcopyrite (copper sulphide) crystals clearly visible in the core."

Sirius is continuing with the drilling, with focus extended to the remainder of the large gravity anomaly centered to the northeast of the ongoing drilling.

Aditionally, Sirius has also announced the completion of JORC resource estimate by the end of March 2013.