EDI is a simple and chemical-free process for deionizing water using a combination of selective ion exchange membranes, conductive resins, and electricity to eliminate ions from water. As a result of extensive research and development by the company, the new VNX-HH EDI module will reduce the hardness scaling potential of the water through a proprietary combination of the membranes, the resins and construction of the module. This new configuration will allow the VNX-HH modules to operate on feed water with hardness that is four times the industry standard of 0.5 ppm. For this reason, the VNX-HH module will eliminate the need for two-pass reverse osmosis (RO) in many applications.

Patrick Buzzell, EDI product manager at the company, said: “Because the VNX-HH EDI module removes the necessity for two-pass RO in the treatment train, customers can save on capital costs while simplifying their water treatment design. Now, a typical treatment train would include anti-scalant prior to a single-pass RO system, followed by the Ionpure VNX-HH module, to produce high-purity water without EDI hardness scaling.”