The Financial Times reports that the plans for over 230 wind turbines on the island of Lewis have been scaled back to less than 200 as fierce debate rages over how far a project that could revolutionize the ailing economy on Lewis would also damage its fragile ecology.

If completed, the Financial Times reports that the scheme could meet a significant tranche of the UK’s renewable energy target – as much as 6%, or 20% for Scotland itself.

However the Scottish Executive has received a barrage of opposition from those who fear it will decimate local wildlife and irrevocably change the way of life on Lewis, which is presently centered on the centuries-old crofting industry.

Indeed, between them, the local council and the Scottish devolved government in Edinburgh have received over 6,000 written objections to the proposals put forward by Lewis Wind Power, a joint venture between British Energy and the infrastructure firm Amec. Environmental campaigners claim that the construction of wind turbines in the peat-laden land on the island is a recipe for disaster following similar attempts in Ireland, which caused peat slurry to run and pollute local rivers.

The Financial Times adds that the redesigned plans for the windfarm will be submitted to the Scottish ministers in September.