Total expenditures in modernization during the 2013 exceeded RUR 32 bn (including VAT).
The largest volume of modernization work was carried out at Volga-Kama cascade. Thus, a new 65 MW unit was commissioned at the Rybinskaya HPP replacing old 55 MW unit. A unique 54 MW horizontal unit was commissioned at the Saratovskaya HPP. The Kamskaya, Volzhskaya and Zhigulevskaya plants got two modernized units each. Rerating of modernized units in 2013 has added 62 MW of installed capacity.
New turbines and generators are more efficient, they have longer service life and are cheaper to maintain.
The comprehensive modernization program, in addition to modernization of turbines and generators, includes large-scale reconstruction of hydro-mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as reconstruction of hydro facilities.
For instance, the Nizhegorodskaya, Kamskaya, Votkinskaya and Zhigulevskaya plants had gates of spillway dams replaced. Switchyards have been modernized at the Rybinskaya, Votkinskaya, Saratovskaya, Maynskaya and a number of other plants. Construction of new spillway has begun at the Egorlykskaya plant of Kuban’ cascade.
Within the framework of the comprehensive modernization program the following works are being planned for 2014: hydro units will be modernized at the Cheboksarskaya, Kamskaya, Zhigulevskaya, Saratovskaya, Volzhskaya, Novosibirksya and Miatlinskaya plants, significant volumes of reconstruction works are to be carried out on switchyards of the Rybinskaya, Zhigulevskaya, and Zelenchukskaya plants, construction of spillway at the Egorlykskaya plant will be completed, modernization of plants of the North-Ossetian branch will begin with reconstruction of the head units of the Gizeldonskaya and Ezminskaya plants.
Comprehensive modernization program of RusHydro’s generation fleet for 2012-2020 with the outlook for 2025 provides for replacement of 55% of turbines, 42% of generators, 61% of transformers.
This modernization will result in significant reliability, efficiency and security improvement of RusHydro generating facilities, increase in installed capacity of 779 MW as compared to the beginning of 2011. Expected growth of electricity generation will amount to 1375.6 GW.