The survey sought to outline the possible low apparent resistivity chimneys (LARCs) in the sandstone that represent potential zones of hydrothermal alteration are good drill targets if found within a favourable geologic setting.

Purepoint chief geophysicist Roger Watson remarked that the data aligns consistently with historic drilling data, unconformity depth, and overburden thickness.

"Numerous geophysical LARCs have now been interpreted; many of them correlating with an untested, well-defined electromagnetic conductor," added Watson.

The survey also pointed to a strong geochemical anomaly of uranium, nickel and cobalt was outlined at the Klaproth South target in 2011 and verified by re-sampling in 2012.

The 9,705ha property covers graphitic electromagnetic conductors that are directly associated with high grade uranium showings on adjoining properties, namely Cameco’s La Rocque occurrence (up to 33.9% U3O8 over 5.5 m) to the west and Areva’s HLH-50 intercept (5.2% U3O8 over 0.38 m) located to the south.