The filing with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) was made under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) legislation, which encourages utilities to invest in conservation and energy efficiency programs as part of its regulated business. The legislation requires the BPU to review and act on the filing within 180 days.

Through a number of small-scale sub-programs, the Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) will provide energy-saving measures such as home energy audits, programmable thermostats, attic insulation and high-efficiency lighting upgrades to about 30,000 residential and business customers.

The proposal, if approved by the BPU, would enable the utility and regulators to determine the best way to implement broader initiatives to reach the state’s aggressive carbon reduction goals.

Ralph LaRossa, PSE&G president and COO, said: The RGGI legislation rightly recognizes the important role utilities like PSE&G can play in helping customers use energy more efficiently. It is clear that meeting our state’s goals to reduce harmful carbon emissions will take more than just talking about conservation.

We need to give customers, especially those in our urban centers, greater direct access to energy-saving tools and information that will lead to concrete, meaningful reductions.